Monday, August 9, 2021

USMJK drone build log

10.8.2021 Download Map tiles to herelink

10.8.2021 Write Mavlink 2 to TELEM2 :
Issue: Need mavlink 2 transfer.
Solved: No Need Mavlink 2 transfer notice.

SERIAL 2 / UART 2 | Connector: TELEM2

10.8.2021 Q, General, Miscellaneous.

In herelink, qgroundcontrol, changed the Map Provider to Google and Map Type to Satellite Map.

10.8.2021 QGC didnt receive fc orientation. Can arm disarm but cannot receive telemetry data. Need to restart drone if happened.

10.8.2021 Only 5 Serial Ports for pixhawk2.1. we need 5. Not including USB.

1. GPS 1 = GPS 1
2. GPS 2 = GPS 2
3. Telem 1 = Herelink telemetry 1
4. Telem 2 = Range Sensor
5. USB for debug.

Range sensor 2??

Luckily Here 3 uses CAN. New mapping.

1. Serial 3 = GPS 1 = Range sensor 1
2. Serial 4 = GPS 2 = Range sensor 2 (Altitude)
3. Serial 1 = Telem 1 = Herelink (mavlink 2)
4. Serial 2 = Telem 2 
5. USB = debugging only.
6. CAN 1 = GPS HERE3 1
7. CAN 2 = GPS HERE3 2

Serial port for pixhawk 2.1 

1 - Pixhawk did not loiter. Checked and see that problem with compass. Check in the internet and saw here2 have 2 options (CAN or I2C). To use GPS1, I2C switch need to be activated.

2 - Awkward behavior with HERELINK system. 
Run update in CATIA LAB PC no 28. Because have ADB Debugging. 
Then follow this step (
System update again on the transmitter. After this will update the air unit.

3- Calibrate HERELINK

- Setup HERELINK with Pixhawk CUBE

4. Setup cube to drone 


5. Setup Lidar for altitude range sensor (set Telem1/Serial 1/rngfnd?)

6. Setup lidar for obstacle sensor (working). (set GPS2/Serial 4/rngfnd2)


Change pilot_thr_bhv from 0 into 7.  ---> FAIL
Change MOT_HOVER_LEARN from 2 to 2.   ---> FAIL

The problem found are

1. when MOT_HOVER_LEARN is set to 2. In which set to learn and save. So when it is bench tested, the drone collect data, when tested with propeller, it wants to shoot to sky. (

2. The Herelink is not calibrated correctly. Follow the step given, step by step to calibrate correctly.

Thats why we have problem with this for almost a week to look into it. And my superior look at it for 1 more week. Credit to faizul.

*. Setup gimbal using herelink and pixhawk.

.... Issue....

Herelink and seeker 10 not working.

Limited button to control camera gimbal


Terrain following

Control camera gimbal using sbus

Adsb avoid

Compassmot and autotune tuning process 


Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Pixhawk 2.1

Pixhawk 2.1

Dual GPS blend on Here3

Setup dual GPS Here3 for pixhawk cube


Range Finders


Range finders setup overview

Setup Dual Avoidance Sensor (Height and Obstacle)

- Mini Lidar with Pixhawk (

- TFMini Plus (

- TFMini Plus Manual (

- TFMini Plus Datasheet (

Herelink Controller


Herelink user guide 


First setup, bind, connection 




Flash here2 to CAN 


Youtube video : (

