Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Projek AB

1. Frysky receiver bind = 

2. Frsky transmitter button set = (17:22)

3. Px4 setup =

4. Fix Vibrate =

5. Start to learn pid tuning =

If multicopter vibrate during flying, most probably wrong multicopter configuration used. Change to any related multicopter choice given and test flight. I did mine with s500 and s500 generic. With same chardware configuration, s500 generic works better with no vibration.

6. Data link Loss Failsafe 

During our test flight with mission, aircraft return automatically during toward 2nd waypoints. When we checked, the GCS failsafe kicks in. Now we have disabled gcs failsafe.

7. Auto landing

8. VTOL Setup

9. Today marked the first maiden of the vtol px4 in multicopter mode. Maiden in stabilize mode. It will hover at 50%. Then after that, we want to proceed to position flight modes.  But the motors dont start until it reaches 65%. Hmm...then, watched this videos, and i should start with stabilized, then altitude hold, then position hold. And as to land, has to make sure the throttle is at 50%. Weird, multicopter didnt behave weird as this. And no warnings appeared in the qgc.

Video 1

Video 2

10. 15 dec 2021. After much reading in the px4 vtol forum, found this. Yahoo. So, back on track.

12 September 2022.

1) Upgrade New firmware from px4. No problem with configuration.

2) Select Quadranger and reboot vehicle.

3) Change of airspeed MS45...DO to enabled

4) Calibrate Radio to Radiolink AT10.

5) Calibrate compass

6) Calibrate Gyroscope

7) Calibrate accelerometer

8) Level horizon

9) Calibrate Airspeed

10) Calibrate horizon

11) Install wing and tail. 

12) Done Reverse control surfaces. Rev_aux2 for elevator

13) QNH set for 1013hpa. (


Saturday, October 16, 2021


Today, marked in my life history, to program a quadcopter drone using px4. After 13 years of ardupilot, using a px4 for the first day get me ro a new perspective. Better gui with the qgroundcontrol compare to ardupilot in which lesser data shown. But it makes harde for the programmer to see the value unline mission planner have.

Hurdle 1:

Drone is not hovering at 50 percent throttle, and while hovering, it leans to side and front during stabilize mode.

While in position mode, the throttle is not giving thrust below 50% (only spins), and if more throttle given, it still dont lift.

Maybe param for mot_thrust_hover, mot_thrust_learn need to be look into.

To analyze px4 flight log =

To analyze ardupilot flight log =