
Arduino practical directly can work

A. DHT11 (Temperature & Humidity Sensor) display to Arduino LCD

1. Upload the code to arduino uno.

2. Create wiring connections between the arduino uno, potentiometer and DHT 11.

3. Include DHT library.

4. Contrast of the LCD is controlled by potentiometer.

LCD display temperature in 28 degree celcius and humidity at 48%

B. Interface NEO-6M GPS Module with Arduino

1. Download Tiny Gps library

2. Upload arduino Code

3. Include Tiny GPS Library

4. Create connections between GPS - Arduino


Vcc - 5V
Rx- pin 6
Tx- Pin 7

5. Red led blinks means position lock. (1 - 2 minutes)
6. No led blinks means still searching for satellite.

GPS Location acquired.

GPS and Arduino Connections

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