Vortex 250 pro

Download Official Manual

Zihad manuals.


1. Turn ON Flysky i6.

2. Select Model Vortex 25.

3. Confirm Rx Setup/PPM output/Receiver PPM output/On.

Stick control 

4. Left stick, Yaw, throttle.

5. Right stick, Roll, Pitch.

6. SWC, Horizon, Angle, Acro.


7. Connect antenna.

8. Secure battery.

9. Connect battery.

10. Wait for ringtone, mario bros.

11. Connect battery checker.


12. Secure goggle battery.

13. Connect battery.

14. Scan for channel.

Ready to fly 

13. Check flight mode, Horizon.

14. Throttle down right, armed, motor running.

15. Throttle down left, disarmed, motor stopped.

16. Fly.

End Flight 

17. Disarmed (refer 15). 

After landed, the screen will show flight status. Disarm the drone to go to menu and exit to go to flight screen.

18. Disconnect battery.

19. Check battery voltage. Charge, Discharge, Storage

20. Turn off remote.

21. Turn off goggle.


22. Storage drone into bag case.

23. Storage remote into bag case.

24. Storage goggle into bag case.


Push left stick to bottom left to enter menu.

Use right stick to select, scroll, save.

Maiden flight at home success. 11 august 2021.

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