Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Sunday, November 7, 2021
Checklist for quadcopter setup
Remote controller and receiver are binded. (Follow manuals provided)
Flight controller uploaded with latest firmware. (PX4/Ardupilot)
Flight Controller calibrated (Configuration and Accelerometer, compass).
Flight Controller and remote controller controls are calibrated (Yaw, Roll, Throttle, Pitch).
Flight Controller and ESC calibrated.(Auto calibration).
Install telemetry to the flight controller.
Flight Modes set to basic configuration (Stabilize, Loiter and RTL).
Power module and Battery are set. (Battery cell (3S or 4S) and battery MAH).
Failsafe RTL set to remote controller (Remote turn off).
Failsafe RTL set to Ground Station. (Ground station failsafe).
Geofence enabled during loiter (Additional).
Autonomous Flight Modes test.
Reduce vibration on aircraft. (Propeller, motor, PID set).
Check total flight time for single battery.
Set Low battery and Critical Battery Voltage (RTL/Landing).
Checklist for Fixed Wing setup.
Remote controller and receiver are binded.
Flight controller uploaded with latest firmware.
Flight Controller calibrated. (Configuration and Accelerometer, compass)
Flight controller and remote controller controls are calibrated (Yaw, Roll, Throtlle, Pitch).
Flight Controller and ESC calibrated.
Install telemetry to the flight controller.
Power module and Battery are set (Battery cell and capacity are set).
Flight Modes set to Basic Modes (Stabilize, Loiter and RTL)
Check control surfaces during stabilize, loiter and RTL.
Check Loiter and RTL circle radius.
Install Pitot tube and sensor.
Set pitot tube and sensor to be use in flight controller.
Test pitot tube and sensor by blowing the flight controller.
Test fly the airplane using manual mode.
Check the minimum cruise speed.
Set the cruise speed to the flight controller.
Test fly the airplane using stabilize flight mode then loiter flight mode.
Check the altitude should not reduce during loiter.
Landing manually with pilot control.
Check the final altitude (in the flight log) and its point on map to check the range from final to touch down.
Insert this parameter to the flight controller.
Check parameters for landing in case of overshoot.
Check the use of Nose Gear or Tail Gear and set the parameter.
Do ground run to check the straight ground taxi.
Test flight auto landing.
Once succesfull, test auto take off.
Check parameters for auto take off.
For landing gear, (need to check take off speed value and insert into the flight controller).
Every test flight must follow Pre flight, during flight and post flight check to make sure everything is safe.