Monday, March 15, 2021

Arducopter - Heading face Home or next waypoints

WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR: Sets how the autopilot controls the “Yaw” during Missions and RTL.

0 = Never change Yaw.
1 = Face Next Waypoint including facing home during RTL.
2 = Face Next Waypoint except for RTL (i.e. during RTL vehicle will remain pointed at its last heading)

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Reverse ESC

 FlyFun V5 Esc Reverse Break Setup

Product link

Mini Talon Reverse BReak Test using Hobbywing Flyfun V5 40A Esc

Setelah mencari beebrapa esc yang boleh reverse, alhamdulillah, dengan bantuan dari group komuniti ardupilot di facebook, dapat juga esc yang sesuai untuk reverse. Harap2 dengan adanya esc ini, boleh la kapal terbang reverse masa sedang landing nnt.